[RESOLVED] Software Uninstall Issue

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When a software is installed, it will have a value in the registry. The value’s location depends on the architecture of the software (either 64 bit or 32 bit). Either way, it is always located in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder. For a 64 bit software, the registry value is in the folder

software\microsoft\windows\current version\uninstall

For a 32 bit software, the registry value is in the folder

software\WOW6432 Node\microsoft\windows\current version\uninstall

However, the layout is identical in both keys. In addition, the most important information is held in
  • Install Location
  • Install Source
  • Modify Path
  • No Modify
  • No Repair
  • Uninstall String
software registry values

Resolving Issue with Uninstalling Software

When the values in the settings listed above are incorrect or the file that the uninstall string is pointing to is missing or corrupt, there will be issue uninstalling such software. For most applications, there is a built in repair feature that can be accessed via control panel under Programs and Features section
  • Press the windows key and R on the keyboard
  • In the Run window, type control and press Enter to open control panel
run window
  • Click on Uninstall a Program under Programs in control panel
control panel window
  • Click on the desired application to uninstall/repair under program and features then click on change
  • Click repair/uninstall to uninstall the program or repair it in case of corrupted string.
uninstall a program window
If the information for an application is corrupted to a level where uninstall is not possible again, run the application installer file (the software setup), when prompted, there will be an option to repair, modify or uninstall the program. Depending on the issue, you may need to delete the install source key in the registry for it to work NOTE: If you delete any file in the registry, make sure to back up the file before deleting it. Click on the file, go to file menu, click on export and save it To restore the file, double click the saved file and click YES when prompted to override the current setting.
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